N9K7S956.jpg (43988 bytes)Kongo (Bakongo, Bashikongo, Kakongo),  Angola and Democratic Republic of the Congo

Maternity figure with twins.  The Kongo number about three million people. Numerous subgroups go to form the vast Kongo cultural complex, among which are the Vili, the Woyo and the Yombe. Present in three countries – The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Angola and the Congo Republic – the Kongo occupy the region at the mouth of the Congo River. They survive from day to day on agricultural production, fishing, and hunting. Kongo artists carved numerous figures and objects characterized by naturalistic features. The founding-mother of the clan occupies a position of great respect, and the art of lower DRC is one of the richest in representations of mother-and-child-group. The maternity statues were used to ward off danger to mothers during delivery and to protect the health of the child. The effectiveness of the statue depended on the dignity of the figure and its youth (shown by the firmness of the breasts). This figure, whatever its specific purpose, presents a rare variation of the theme: the Mother nurses twins.

Material:  wood

Size:  H. 17½”, W. 8”, D. 6”

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